Complete and balanced meal of fine beef, chicken meat & bones, fresh vegetables, probiotics and antioxidants.
Packaging: Bag with minced meat.
Suitable for: All ages.
Recommended for: All dogs, ideal for working dogs, with intense activity, for strengthening the immune and digestive system, with allergies, atopic dermatitis, hair loss.
Ingredients: Minced meat from liver, heart and beef and chicken and chicken bones (60%), vegetables (33%) (lettuce, carrot, zucchini, beans), whole egg, kefir, apple cider vinegar, mountain tea extract, in coconut, turmeric.
Beef protein is an excellent source of selenium, vitamin B1-2-6- B12, folic acid, zinc, iron, phosphorus, coenzyme Q10. Beef heart in particular is richer in amino acids that help with metabolism and enhance collagen and elastin production.
In addition it is a natural source of vitamin D which is very essential for regulating various functions in the dog's body. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with muscle weakness, autoimmune diseases, cancer, infectious diseases. In combination with chicken it is a very nutritious meal.
The apple cider vinegar has many benefits for the body of the dog as it helps among other joints, digestion, and in the treatment of allergies by strengthening the immune system and has antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic activity.
The kefir functions as a natural antibiotic, probiotic, fights allergies, heal the body and kills yeast (yeast) that may have accumulated from foods rich in carbohydrates and sugar. Some studies have shown that kefir prevents salmonella, E-coli and has the potential to kill Helicobacter pylori.
The turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory activity, provides antioxidant protection, contributes to the health of the skin and eyes, significantly strengthens the immune system, has significant anticancer activity, helps in proper functioning of the digestive system, slow the progression of autoimmune diseases and provides significant antibacterial antifungal action.
The coconut improves energy metabolism in the brain and reduces brain lesions in older dogs, helps against skin diseases, reduces allergic reactions, improving digestion and absorption of nutrients makes the hair smooth and glossy, combat bad breath , has strong antibacterial and antifungal action, helps with arthritis, and helps reduce weight while increasing energy levels.
The eggs are a complete and balanced food alone as it is rich in important nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin A, riboflavin, folic acid, iron, vitamin B12, selenium, fatty acids.
Greek mountain tea is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, tannins, iron, cobalt, zinc, potassium, magnesium & sodium.